Monday 19 December 2011

Eye Infection Among Cats & Dogs

Causes of Eye Infections
Various bacteria (e.g.Chlamydia)
Viruses like the Herpes virus (Since Herpes is a stressed 
 induced virus, a viral outbreak can result when your pet is 
 experiencing stress)
Fungal infection like cryptococcus
Foreign material in the eye 
Lyme disease 
Breed disposition (refer to below)

It is important to identify the cause of the eye infection because different types of treatment are required for each cause.

Unusual eye discharge
Rubbing or scratching the eye

Use only pet eye wash or eye drop
Do not use any human eye products on your pet
If shows no sign of improvement, bring to vet within 48 hours

Keep your pets face clean and dry (wipe with damp cloth. If      
 your pet have wrinkles on their face make sure it gets to those 
 hard to reach areas)
Trim and keep the hair around your dog’s eye area short
Wipe of the excessive tear stain from their face

Breed Disposition
Although all cats & dogs can get an eye infection, do take note that some breeds are more prone than others. Breed with excessive tearing, short noses, and wrinkles on their face are at higher risk. Make sure you do your research and consult your breeder before getting a cat/dog.

Examples of eye infection prone breeds are:
Dog: Maltese, Pekingese, Pug, & Shih Tzu. 
Cat: Persian & Himalayan

Source :

1 comment:

  1. This is actually very difficult for anyone to face health related issues and when it comes to pet, it becomes our duty to keep them healthy and well. Infections can pass from them to he owner so it is really important to keep them healthy and well.
    Pet Grooming Tips
